Socks with Sandals

A hike this past April made me question the whole idea of creating the perfect conditions for something to happen. What I mean is that I tend to pay attention to detail. I try very hard to be purposeful in what I do and say, which will hopefully create, or result in the expected outcome. This can go from painting my toe nails before going to a summer party so I can wear my favorite pair of white sandals, to buying little tokens of gratitude for friends that attend a birthday party I have planned.
Most times attention to detail, thoughtfulness, preparation, and planning are useful and resourceful skills to have.
That is, only if I do not lose sight of My Creator’s plan.

Up at an angleBack to my hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I was among lush greens, beautiful rivers, and waterfalls. I came across a big tree that sprung out of a rock. A rock!!! This tree has its roots exposed and its trunk comes out of a solid rock. Instead of going up it goes in at an angle. I know this may not be a big deal. Hello symbiosis?! But no, this is not a moss or some sort of tree that can actually thrive without soil. It is not one of those cool air plants that only needs water once a month. This is a tree like birch or maple, a solid wood type of tree.

I stared at this tree for a while, scratching my head at how this tree could have grown so strong, and beautiful, without the “perfect” soil, light and care. Much like the idea of sandals with socks—a “no-no”!

This image reminded me in a powerful way that I need to pay attention to what I do, and make sure it goes in hand with what I believe. It reminded me that I can be purposeful, creative, thoughtful and all that, as long as I do not lose sight of the ultimate goal. I can do whatever, as long as I do remember My Creator is in control, and His will is perfect. Better than my mediocre attempts at micro-managing every little detail of my next event or item on the to-do list of my life.
As I walked through the ravines and climbed little hills and pathways, I kept having this idea in my head: If God wants it to happen it will happen! It is this idea of faith and certainty that is so hard to explain, yet so easy to understand when it takes shape.

Paradise Falls, NH In certain ways this tree reminded me of my own life. Having lost my mom in my teen years, the life ahead seemed foggy and could have been very different. However, God had a plan, and my family took care of me in a way that honored my mom’s character and who she was to them. I had very different plans once I became an adult, yet My Creator stepped in and wove people into my life that lead me to this life I enjoy today. What looked like sandals with socks two decade ago now makes perfect sense, and dare I say: it is IN style!

But only if I can see it from the perspective of believing My Creator has a perfect plan for me. The discrepancies between my plans and His are vast, yet I know this is what is best. Like for that tree, it looks weird and funny, yet the tree is healthy, lush and still growing.

The most difficult times in fact are when I fight His will and try to impose mine, only to find out how small my vision was. Going my way, sometimes it feels good at first, but eventually becomes painful. You know like that brilliant idea of wearing new shoes to a party, only to cry out mid-way through because painful blisters on your heels.

But how amazing it is when we let the Creator BE the creator, and we witness his blessings. We see examples of this as “miracles,” sometimes the media overexposes them as something hard to believe, when in reality this is the way it should be and was meant to be. The perfect will of a Creator that helps love win in a marriage, that brings peace to hearts amidst tragedy, that forgives those who deny Him, that weeps with those of us who have faced loss, that does the happy dance when we are healed, that calms the anxious, that feeds the hungry, that comforts the lonely, the loving Father that never fails us.
Only if I could let myself surrender in every way to the Creator as this tree did. Then, I will no longer care if I am in style, if my socks match, or wonder if it’s ok to wear sandals with them or not.

I keep trying to spend more time on the side of faith and less on the side of the planning, feasibility and assurance.
Remaining focused on what His plan is for me is an everyday challenge. I choose this perspective simply because I do not want to spend this life in the mediocrity of my own plans, but in the fullness of His abundance. I am totally aware it may not make sense to other people, and I may not look—fashionable but I am “mostly,” totally ok with that…and so should you!

Do Love and Shoes!

“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:17 (NIV)

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