Share Your Heels

Shoe find

Heel graduation!

I was watching TV last Friday, and got a text from a dear friend showing me her heels find of the day. I chuckled at the text, and replied excitedly, “Woot woot! Heels! Straps and platform?! You are a graduate!”
See, my friend has great style and a beauty that really comes from inside but until a decade ago her shoes did not reflect that beauty.

I HAD to intervene! Fortunately, she was open and humble to my “unasked-for” shoe advice. She now loves when her birthday rolls around and we have our annual shoe hunting day. Obviously, the gift is always shoes, with a good dose of Thai food, laughter and encouragement.

This is a great exchange of gifts, because this friend of mine has also shared her “heels” with me. She is a woman of faith. Unashamed of her love for Jesus, and obedient to share her gifts of music and leading worship. Her heels have taught me that I can bring my offering to the Creator through what I do, and not only by singing. (Thank goodness! I can dance! But sing? Not so much) Her heels have introduced me to worship music (among other things) and the amazing channel that keeps my mind focused on truth when I wander and battle the lies in my head.

I also have another dear friend who has allowed me to “intervene” when it comes to her shoe style, in exchange for allowing me to borrow her “heels” of compassion. This gal also sent me a picture of a pair of cute boots she bought recently. I laughed out loud. And then tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. It is amazing when we find common ground, and we are willing to share our heels, or gifts. She has such a heart for her Creator and believes fearlessly in His power. She is filled with mercy and spreads it around like confetti. I do love that style for sure.

bootie find

Bootie find that made me cry!

As the tears of joy rolled down, I found myself filled with gratitude to my Creator for the givers in my life. One of them is like the pair of heels that never lets you down. She has been there at ALL times. She prays with me, and for me. She celebrates my small victories and weeps with me if I am sad. This gal’s shoes have been muddy at times, but she has pulled herself up and moved forward. I have learned from her that allowances are doable for those who offend us, and that Love indeed covers a multitude of sin. Yes, the faithful pair indeed.

If there was a shoe style that could embody the gift of wisdom, I have a friend that would represent it. This gal is truly humble, and her heels have taught me there is such beauty in being transparent. Her style proclaims that nothing beats lies like diving into the very living Word of God. I love borrowing her shoes because they have more miles than mine, and experience is a rich commodity.

And then, there is my friend that can show up with the same shoes as me. We have common ground that makes us chuckle at times. Yet we can chose something in opposite styles and be fine with it. We exchange the heels of encouragement often. Sometimes I do not want to hear about her style predictions, because like “bell bottom pants” they can scare me. However, I am grateful we have no filters. Hey! I’d rather know if something does not fit right, than comply with fashion and look hideous.


A fabolous display of heels that could represent my girlfriends!

Last but not least, there is my friend that holds on to hope like it is gold. She is open about her struggles and bold in her faith. She is always on the look-out to share her “heels” with those that don’t know about the Creator and His unfailing love. Some may think of the evangelical label but I think she is just big on loving people.

My friends, like shoes, are colourful and precious to me. I enjoy immensely and treasure every exchange of heels and gifts.

Among my favourites are the hugs of a dear lady who like perfect pumps, sets everything in the right place and makes me smile regardless of what might be going on.

candyl stilettos

Heels that capture the sweetness of sharing a gift.

I know! This post is pretty sappy. Maybe I should have saved it for Valentine’s Day or “National Friend’s day.” However, what I really want to share is this idea that we all have gifts, abilities, resources, and skills that were given to us to be shared. I cannot imagine what life would be like, if my people didn’t share their gifts with me. This journey would be boring if I did not have the opportunity to exchange gifts with those around me. Sometimes I can get caught up in wanting to be good at everything. Sometimes even jealousy wants to sneak in, and I find myself wishing I had other people’s abilities.

But! This is when I need to turn on the music, dive into my Creator’s Word, and be reminded that I have my own gifts, the more I share them, the more purposeful life is.

The season of gift giving and celebrations is at our door. Check out your heels inventory! Ask your givers and those around you what “heels” they see you wearing, and maybe like to borrow. Then put them on and walk boldly sharing every footprint with those you encounter. Every single person that walks on earth has something to give, and to share.

What is yours?

Do Love and Shoes!

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”  Romans 12:6-10 (NIV)

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