Muddy toes and blistered heels

I love summer! I mean, I was born and raised in the tropics so obviously I love the heat. Sunny skies, temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, and a light breeze are the perfect weather conditions for this gal. It is not a surprise then that my favorite shoes are sandals. A close second are peep toe pumps. When the calendar says it is officially spring, I become a bit stubborn and try to wear sandals as much as possible. Sometimes my toes get cold. Other times I have gone back home and reluctantly change my shoes. On a few occasions I have ruined footwear and burst out in frustration.

Really, my frustration all comes from my need to control the outcome of things in order to meet my expectations. If it is spring I should (MUST!) be able to wear sandals. Forget that I cannot control the weather; I still have the expectation that it’s time for sandal wearing! Silly, I know!
This also happens almost every day with life. I have certain plans and expectations for the day, for myself, others, the weather, etc. The very moment plans change or expectations fails I enter into panic mode. I am faced to redefine my reality, and somehow resume course.

I find it quite ironic that people say they want something different; that change is good. They will even face extremes to achieve certain goals. But in reality, we like the same old thing. We are more comfortable when immerse in routine, when all our expectations are met and nothing challenges us. Think about it. We like the “old” music that reminds us of happy times, we go back to places and food that provides familiarity and comfort. We may like to explore new places or things for a bit, but we like to go back “home.”

Routine in itself is not a bad thing. The problem comes when we fail to adjust to schedules and unmet expectations. That’s how my feet get muddy! I plan to wear a pair of sandals but then it rains and I ‘m too stubborn to change them! I end up ruining my shoes—for what?!
Likewise, I can find myself questioning other people’s choices when they let me down…just like the weather that disappoints me. There are times when I question myself for letting other people down, and not meeting their expectations of me.

After walking with muddy toes or blistered heels a few times, I have come to accept that change is actually good. It challenges me to redefine reality and humbles me. Every. Single. Time.

When the calendar says it’s summer but the temperature is barely 10 degrees, I have to define reality and remind myself I live in Atlantic Canada. Here the weather changes every six hours. I just need to embrace layered fashion!

When a carefully planned project flops, I need to stop–assess my gains and losses and consider the lesson in it.
We are constantly redefining reality and choosing appropriate footwear.
Assessing my circumstances and where I stand is a key step in focusing on what matters. It humbles me to recognize that the perfect plan for my life lies in my Creator’s hands. Every time I pause and seek Him I gain strength to be flexible and wisdom to adjust to the new path. Once I understand where I stand, I can choose the appropriate footwear with excitement, regardless of what season it is or how stylish I may or may not be.

Best find yet: Canadian designer, sandal AND peep toe.

So, if you catch me with boots in the summer or flip flops in the snow, I have not lost my mind. More likely I have a valid reason. But if you see me with muddy toes or blistered ankles you can bet I was too stubborn to accept reality and wanted to prove that my ego could triumph common sense. Hopefully there will minimum sightings of the latter!

Cheers to summer! Whatever shoes it may bring!

Do Love and Shoes!

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11 ESV)

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