Archive of ‘General’ category

Undeniable Love

We are here. After a thrilling ride in the back of a pick up truck up and down twisty dusty roads we arrived to Villa Hortencia 2. My heart beated SO fast, tears of joy filled my heart and that feeling of arriving home took over me.

Villa Hortencia is tucked among beautiful mountains in northwest Guatemala. (more…)

Flying shoes

My bags are packed, I said good byes and reached the airport. I am wearing my beaten up birks and a heart that is about to bust with expectations. The first flight got cancelled and my team and I had to wait out 6 hours. (more…)


It has been awhile. Life has kept me away from the keyboard, and entangled me in daily routine. I did have a day of retreat in there, at a very refreshing seminar. The speaker reminded me to let go of that guilty feeling I get when it comes to taking a bit of time to myself. Can you relate?

At times it seems we live a paradox. On one hand, it’s this push for being productive, reaching goals, taking every opportunity we can…NEVER stopping. While the other hand screams “slow down and smell the flowers”, take a break, you deserve “me” time. Some peers think it’s funny. I find it oppressive. I know the goal, utopian if you ask me, is to find balance. (more…)

Traveling Shoes

Visiting a new city is always exciting to me, like wearing a new pair of shoes out to début. I recently slipped on a pair like that during our family vacation to Atlanta, Georgia. We arrived on a sunny day, which was in stark contrast to the week of grey skies we’d just left behind.

The city’s skyline was a collection of modern architecture with glass panelled buildings, lit tops and ornate rooftops. People seemed happy; maybe it was the Friday effect. We took a trolley around downtown for only a couple of dollars (pretty reasonable) and opened our eyes a little wider to take in all the interesting sights. There were many parks, water fountains, university campuses and all sorts of landmarks. Trees are not abundant around downtown Atlanta, and some areas were a bit overwhelming but the urbanism is still pleasant. (more…)

Letting Love In

It happened! I finally found a pair of Mary-Jane style pumps that I absolutely love! I think it was birthday luck! They are black and white tweed, and have a black leather strap. I’ve been looking for a pair like this for months. (more…)

Icy Road

Another hit. The phone rang again this past week. This time, my godmother broke the news of my cousin’s passing- at only 41 years old. It caught me off guard. I had received word about my uncle’s death just a couple of weeks ago, so I thought grief would give me a break for a while.

Those grief shoes slipped on again. (more…)

Amar sana el duelo.

Hoy es domingo, mi día favorito. No importa si está soleado, nevando o lloviendo. El domingo tiene algo que me hace sentir relajada.
Hoy está nublado y la temperatura está por encima de la normal para un día de enero. Me gustaría estar en la cama, arropada y leyendo pero tengo que cuidar a tres de mis hijos y a un amiguito que ha venido a jugar. Aquí estoy sentada, supuestamente echándoles un ojo, mientras escribo lo que he soñado hacer durante años. (more…)

Doing love defeats grief.

Today is Sunday, my favorite day of the week. It does not matter if it is sunny, snowy or rainy. There is something about Sunday that is relaxing and puts my mind at ease.
It is cloudy, milder than usual for January. I would be in bed reading under the covers if it were not for the duty of looking after three kids and a playdate friend. So, I sit here writing this, pretending I am watching them, because I am finally starting what has been a dream for years. (more…)

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