Posts Tagged ‘Creator’

Summer tracks

This summer I wore running shoes and Birkenstock’s sandals more than ANY other shoes. This may not be of concern for many people, but for a gal who loves shoes it was strange. I traveled to Newfoundland, in the northeast of Canada, for two weeks with my family — a place everyone wanted to go… except me.
I knew it was a beautiful place, but also had heard of the cooler temperatures, that for my tropical blood was less than enticing. However, I had to live out what I preach to my kids: we need to support, make allowances for each other. This was my husband’s wish.
We packed two travel trailers, two trucks and my car. I downloaded the latest Latin album ( Despacito anyone?), and set off for what seemed like an endless road trip. I confess I was a little worried I would lose my cool after a while. I simply need alone time to recharge and there was none of that in the agenda for this trip. I reached out to my peeps and implored their prayers for a heat wave of Grace. (more…)

The sixteen lessons

imageI have this new pair of winter boots that I bought in the summer. Uh? I know! I am a bargain hunter addict. When it comes to shoes I do not care if the pair I find is for the right season. If it fits and it is the right price, I will take it!
This is the time of the year when we all take inventory of the things we did, started, quit, abandoned, or simply tried. Sometimes I can get obsess with what I did not accomplish or did not have the courage to start.
This year though I am so grateful I had the courage to start this blog. There were times when I felt very discouraged and doubted if I should keep it up. However, I dismissed those thoughts a dozen times and published a few paragraphs of adventures and shoes I wore this 2016.

The new year is upon us and I cannot wait for snow to wear my new boots, dust off the snowshoes and hit the trails. But before ringing in the new year I need to do my balance sheet.


Share Your Heels

Shoe find

Heel graduation!

I was watching TV last Friday, and got a text from a dear friend showing me her heels find of the day. I chuckled at the text, and replied excitedly, “Woot woot! Heels! Straps and platform?! You are a graduate!”
See, my friend has great style and a beauty that really comes from inside but until a decade ago her shoes did not reflect that beauty.

I HAD to intervene! Fortunately, she was open and humble to my “unasked-for” shoe advice. She now loves when her birthday rolls around and we have our annual shoe hunting day. Obviously, the gift is always shoes, with a good dose of Thai food, laughter and encouragement. (more…)

The Faithful Pair

The faithful pair

Blogger note: This is another story from my Guatemala trip. Almost two months later my mind keeps going back to the lush green mountains and the vastly reach people I met there.

I have this beaten up pair of Birkenstock sandals I have worn for almost a decade. They are the traditional two straps, hard foot bed and black. I bought them out of desperation when I was pregnant with my boy and my sciatic nerve was out. They provided the comfort I needed at the time and it is the pair I reach for when my back is hurting.


My faithful arizona Birkenstock

But they are not really pretty. Or feminine. Or stylish. However, I can slip on them and really don’t care about fashion. Somehow they pretty up with the outfit I pair them up with or simply make me feel so comfortable I feel I can walk on a fashion runway with them


Micaela’s shoes

Blogger note: The following posts will be filled with memories from my recent trip to Guatemala. It will be about the people I met, what they taught me and how I now feel challenged and motivated to DO more love. There will also be stories of the people I travelled with, amazing friends that more than ever have become treasures in my journey.

It is already Wednesday and the hot sun is shining bright. We’ve made our way around the village to the homes awaiting installation of cooking stoves. We find out our first house has already installed their own stove. They have been trained, but they were supposed to wait for us to help with installation. However, we are equally pleased that they have it done. See, these stoves are a big step up from the open fires they have been using to cook on and heat their houses with. (more…)


It has been awhile. Life has kept me away from the keyboard, and entangled me in daily routine. I did have a day of retreat in there, at a very refreshing seminar. The speaker reminded me to let go of that guilty feeling I get when it comes to taking a bit of time to myself. Can you relate?

At times it seems we live a paradox. On one hand, it’s this push for being productive, reaching goals, taking every opportunity we can…NEVER stopping. While the other hand screams “slow down and smell the flowers”, take a break, you deserve “me” time. Some peers think it’s funny. I find it oppressive. I know the goal, utopian if you ask me, is to find balance. (more…)