Posts Tagged ‘empathy’

Her Shoes

It is May! After a long dreadful winter and a wet and sappy spring, the sun and temperatures are finally warmer. But that turning of my stomach has also reappeared. May never fails to remind me that my mom is no longer here to celebrate. But this year, as I cried alone in my car, I kept asking myself how could I honor her memory in a way that is tangible? How can I encourage mothers to be fierce, confident, or a great friend like she was? Slip into her shoes perhaps.


Walking someone else’s path barefoot

Blogger note: The following is a guest post from my dear friend Blue Butterfly. She has graciously agreed to share a bit of her path. Though she has decided to “pick a name,” this is a true account. One that is shared by many women around each of us. May this enlight you and challenge you to grow more empathy. 


IMG_0580When Mariela asked me to write a guest blog, I wasn’t sure what to share with you. She said to think about what I’ve learned through my experience, but I guess you’d need to know a little about my experience to understand what I’ve learned.

IVF – the rollercoaster that never ends.

As a child, I played with dolls and I also played at being a woman with a career, a husband and children. Fast forward a few years and I have a husband, a career but no children. Not for lack of trying of course. Among the reasons, nature doesn’t seem to be on our side. After exhausting other methods, we tried IVF and thought that it would be a piece of cake. After all, women on TV and films get pregnant like that all the time. Well, no. It’s not that easy and science is still figuring out things, nobody can give you certainty that treatment will work. On top of this, I lost all control over my body and emotions, with doctors and nurses poking me, taking all sorts of vitamins and injecting hormones day and night to help my body. It’s a process that is emotionally draining and at times made me think I was going crazy. I have to be super-duper cheerful when going through the treatment, but at the same time trying to be realistic, because otherwise the fall is too high to bear if things don’t work. (more…)

Broken heels

stuck stilettoThe feeling of a broken heel is a distinct one. It’s more familiar to gals walking on city sidewalks, getting their shoes stuck in vents, on electric escalators or on public transit. But sometimes heels break because of a worn-out shoe or poor manufacturing or simply because we abuse them by running or jumping.

But the feeling! Sometimes it’s shame or embarrassment. Especially if you’re all dressed-up at an event. Now, if happening during the day it could be freeing as then you have the perfect reason to buy a new pair, or you may be able to repair them. However, the best scenario is when a friend saves you from embarrassment by doing one of two things: taking her shoes off and going barefoot so that you’re not alone, or lends you a pair of her shoes so that you can carry on.

That last possible scenario is a good illustration of empathy; a word I have learned a lot about in this last decade. (more…)