Posts Tagged ‘God’

Surfing Shoes

These shoes may represent some of my emotions, imagine wearing them all at once.


This is a weird season. It reminds me of surfers who try to balance waves, speed, wind and look posed. There is this constant mix of emotions such as grief, joy, victory, sadness, apathy, disengagement, anxiousness, elation, and excitement—all at once. A close friend asked me a little while ago, “who do you trust?” as news of the second wave of COVID-19 started taking over the headlines on every screen we laid sight on. (more…)

Old Shoes

This is very cliché, we all trying to make sense of the last 365 days in the last hours of New Years Eve. But here I am looking at my old shoes and considering which are really old and which ones are to keep. I realize that in certain ways I do this with my habits. Also with my goals and even relationships. Earlier this year I tried to focus on the word “disengage” in an attempt to be more purposeful on what I needed to be and get rid of bad habits, sin, and even activities that were good but I no longer felt passionate about.

Sitting here trying to make sense of 2018 I find myself going back to 2017 and how the word: Enough still rang true for the past 365 days. I recently shared with my church family about it and I will share here again. (more…)

New Shoes

There is nothing more painful for me than letting go of my favorite shoes. I have been looking for over a year for a new pair of brown wedge pumps and I cannot seem able to find them. There is nothing spectacular about them, they are versatile and comfortable. Well, they were. I had to throw them away after they completely ripped. Have you had this experience?

Maybe is not shoes what you have had to kiss good bye. Maybe it has been a season of your life that you really loved but came to an end. (more…)

Summer tracks

This summer I wore running shoes and Birkenstock’s sandals more than ANY other shoes. This may not be of concern for many people, but for a gal who loves shoes it was strange. I traveled to Newfoundland, in the northeast of Canada, for two weeks with my family — a place everyone wanted to go… except me.
I knew it was a beautiful place, but also had heard of the cooler temperatures, that for my tropical blood was less than enticing. However, I had to live out what I preach to my kids: we need to support, make allowances for each other. This was my husband’s wish.
We packed two travel trailers, two trucks and my car. I downloaded the latest Latin album ( Despacito anyone?), and set off for what seemed like an endless road trip. I confess I was a little worried I would lose my cool after a while. I simply need alone time to recharge and there was none of that in the agenda for this trip. I reached out to my peeps and implored their prayers for a heat wave of Grace. (more…)

Walking someone else’s path barefoot

Blogger note: The following is a guest post from my dear friend Blue Butterfly. She has graciously agreed to share a bit of her path. Though she has decided to “pick a name,” this is a true account. One that is shared by many women around each of us. May this enlight you and challenge you to grow more empathy. 


IMG_0580When Mariela asked me to write a guest blog, I wasn’t sure what to share with you. She said to think about what I’ve learned through my experience, but I guess you’d need to know a little about my experience to understand what I’ve learned.

IVF – the rollercoaster that never ends.

As a child, I played with dolls and I also played at being a woman with a career, a husband and children. Fast forward a few years and I have a husband, a career but no children. Not for lack of trying of course. Among the reasons, nature doesn’t seem to be on our side. After exhausting other methods, we tried IVF and thought that it would be a piece of cake. After all, women on TV and films get pregnant like that all the time. Well, no. It’s not that easy and science is still figuring out things, nobody can give you certainty that treatment will work. On top of this, I lost all control over my body and emotions, with doctors and nurses poking me, taking all sorts of vitamins and injecting hormones day and night to help my body. It’s a process that is emotionally draining and at times made me think I was going crazy. I have to be super-duper cheerful when going through the treatment, but at the same time trying to be realistic, because otherwise the fall is too high to bear if things don’t work. (more…)

Broken heels

stuck stilettoThe feeling of a broken heel is a distinct one. It’s more familiar to gals walking on city sidewalks, getting their shoes stuck in vents, on electric escalators or on public transit. But sometimes heels break because of a worn-out shoe or poor manufacturing or simply because we abuse them by running or jumping.

But the feeling! Sometimes it’s shame or embarrassment. Especially if you’re all dressed-up at an event. Now, if happening during the day it could be freeing as then you have the perfect reason to buy a new pair, or you may be able to repair them. However, the best scenario is when a friend saves you from embarrassment by doing one of two things: taking her shoes off and going barefoot so that you’re not alone, or lends you a pair of her shoes so that you can carry on.

That last possible scenario is a good illustration of empathy; a word I have learned a lot about in this last decade. (more…)

Share Your Heels

Shoe find

Heel graduation!

I was watching TV last Friday, and got a text from a dear friend showing me her heels find of the day. I chuckled at the text, and replied excitedly, “Woot woot! Heels! Straps and platform?! You are a graduate!”
See, my friend has great style and a beauty that really comes from inside but until a decade ago her shoes did not reflect that beauty.

I HAD to intervene! Fortunately, she was open and humble to my “unasked-for” shoe advice. She now loves when her birthday rolls around and we have our annual shoe hunting day. Obviously, the gift is always shoes, with a good dose of Thai food, laughter and encouragement. (more…)