Posts Tagged ‘tight’

Tight Shoes

It has been a long pause around here. I discovered that my shoes were too tight, so I needed to rest my blistered feet. It’s not always an easy fix. Sometimes a simple Band-aid or even dramatically throwing out the shoes, and replacing them with new ones…aren’t the best solutions.

Nevertheless, now that my blisters are healing, and my skin is renewing, I can share what has happened and how I am moving onto better paths.

Have you ever outgrown your shoes? Or bought shoes that were a little tight under the promise of a salesperson claiming the shoes would stretch a little? I have. Sigh. After four pregnancies my shoe size grew, and although genuine leather shoes do stretch, sometimes not as much as I have been told.

The shoe analogy is just an easier way for me to begin sharing about the knots I have discovered in my mind and soul. Grief knocked me down once again this past summer and I have uncovered some bruises I thought had healed. Grief is weird like that! It assaults me when I don’t expect it, and though I know how to cope, at times it seems overwhelming.
Just like the shoes that were a little snug (that I convince myself I can make work), so is the grief that I don’t process properly. Instead I try to box it up and hide it away. We carry on till the blisters burst and we are left raw. (more…)